Conrad Cannell LMFT 

All About Conrad

Education: Conrad Cannell earned both his bachelor's and master's degrees from Utah State University. He graduated with a bachelor's in psychology, with a minor in Spanish, and completed his master's in Marriage and Family Therapy in 2019.

Experience: Conrad began practicing therapy in 2017 during his master's program and has been working with clients ever since.

Specialties: He works extensively with adolescents, couples, and members of the LGBTQ+ community, as well as their families.

Why he became a therapist: Conrad became a therapist because he found himself naturally suited for the role. Growing up as a middle child and a peacemaker, he enjoyed helping his family and found fulfillment in being with people.

Therapy Style: Conrad uses various therapy models with his clients, with a focus on Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples. He employs Structural Family Therapy to help adolescents and their families establish healthy structures and also incorporates mindfulness practices to support mental health.

Favorite Self-Help Book: He recommends "Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown for its insights on vulnerability and connection. This book had a personal impact on him, and he frequently recommends it to clients.

Second Favorite Hobby: Conrad enjoys playing games of all kinds, including board games, card games, and the occasional video game. He loves socializing and spending time with others in this way.

Greatest Fear: His greatest fear is losing loved ones, particularly his wife and kids.

Best Movie/TV Show: The best movie he has seen recently is "Top Gun: Maverick," which he thoroughly enjoyed in theaters.

Favorite Book: As a child, Conrad loved the Harry Potter series and currently enjoys the Jack Reacher series, which he finds fun to read in his downtime.

Coolest Place he has traveled: Conrad and his wife are working towards visiting all the national parks in the U.S. Recently, they visited Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, which they found to be a new and exciting experience.