Julie Dymock LMFT 

All About Me

Education: Julie Dymock returned to school at the age of 47, earning her bachelor's degree from Utah State University and completing her master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy by age 55.

Certifications: She is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and is working toward certification as an Emotionally Focused Therapist (EFT).

Experience: Julie has been practicing at Cache Valley Counseling for five years, which is the span of her career.

Why she became a therapist: Julie's journey into therapy was influenced by her own experience with mental health in her late 20s and the transformative impact of the two therapists she worked with. They helped her understand herself better and improved her effectiveness as a person. She's passionate about breaking the stigma surrounding mental health.

Therapy Style: For individual therapy, Julie uses Internal Family Systems, developed by Richard Swartz, which helps clients understand their inner dialogue and manage the parts of themselves that speak strongly to them. She enjoys working with a variety of clients, including couples, teenagers, and young adults.

Favorite Self-Help Book: Julie is an avid reader and audiobook enthusiast. Two of her most influential books are "Man’s Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl and "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey, both of which have had a lasting impact on her.

Second Favorite Hobby: Julie’s second favorite hobby is tending to her flower gardens. She enjoys planting new seeds and watching things grow, particularly hostas, zinnias, and wildflowers.

Greatest Fear: Her greatest fear is snakes, which is closely tied to her love of hiking and the outdoors. Despite this fear, she is determined to enjoy nature and conquer her fear while hiking and backpacking.

Best Movie/TV Show: The best movie she has seen recently is "Sound of Freedom," which tells the story of human trafficking and one man's efforts to make a difference in the world. She found its message and impact powerful.

Favorite Book: Julie's favorite book series is "Harry Potter," which she has enjoyed reading and listening to multiple times.

Coolest Place she has traveled: Egypt stands out as her favorite travel destination. Although it wasn't initially on her travel list, the country’s rich history and well-preserved artifacts, like King Tut's tomb and the Valley of the Kings, left a lasting impression on her.