AnnaMay Wilson

Client Journey Specialist

All About AnnaMay

Client Journey Specialist

AnnaMay thrives on sharing experiences with others. She delights in belly laughs, being in nature, and cuddling up with her kids. A favorite past job was working at the Chicago Botanic Gardens and you can ask her about her dump truck and worm adventures. Another favorite job was teaching Chinese children online, enjoying their antics and sharing in their culture. She admired how tight their family connections were and how dedicated her students’ parents were to supporting achievement and excellence. AnnaMay has taught violin lessons over the years and she participates in the Cache Symphony Orchestra and a quartet.

Utah State University is AnnaMay’s alma mater. She earned a degree in horticulture and participated in the Ag Ambassadors and various clubs and intramurals that rounded out a fantastic college experience. She enjoys almost anything athletic and her current outdoor hobby of choice is cycling. Her favorite social app is Marco Polo; she loves how connected it helps her feel with siblings and friends. In person, she works at her relationships with her husband of 20 years and her 6 children. Each of them is as unique as can be. They keep her on her toes as they get bumps and bruises together, and they relish in times when the waters are calm. When AnnaMay feels grumpy and worn out, she goes for long walks, dangles her feet in a creek or canal, listens to podcasts while doing housework, or reaches out to a Marco Polo friend to talk about anything and everything.

Cache Valley Counseling feels like coming home for AnnaMay, as many of the values are in sync with her own. She really cares about the journey of life and holds admiration for anyone taking life on. She’s thrilled to be a part of a team that facilitates that, and she welcomes anyone who walks through the door as a fellow human being who immediately shares the commonality of being in this thing called life. It’s complicated, miraculous, and the ultimate ‘Whoa!’ experience.