Therapist Post: What is EFT Certification?

Written by Chelsea Petersen, LMFT Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for Couples is the world’s leading couples therapy today. It was developed by Sue Johnson and is founded on the idea that we all need connection with others in life to be truly happy.EFT is a...

Therapist Post: Five Ways to Recognize Bad Advice

Written by Chelsea Petersen LMFT 1: The advice isn’t personalized FOR YOUPeople who have “been there done that” often like to share their wisdom. However, what they learned on their journey may not be what’s right for YOUR journey. Sometimes, they become pushy and...

Therapist Post: Handling Negativity

Written by Heather Ballingham ACMHC I am pretty sure I am not the only one who can pick out the person who is a consistent Negative-Ninny. That one person in our family, in our neighborhood, or colleague at work; the one who we think sees the glass half empty, then...

Holiday Blues Got you Down?

During the holiday season, it’s pretty common to see smiling faces everywhere you go as jolly carols are sung and festive decorations cover every home. For many, the holidays seem to be the happiest times, full of wonderful childhood memories and time spent with...