Managing Your Time Between Work, School, and Marriage

(4-6 minute read) A few weeks ago, I was talking with my cousin’s 8-year-old daughter about what we were each learning in school. During our conversation, she looked at the fancy ring on my left hand, fourth finger and asked, “Are you married?” An affirming, “mmmhmmm,...

Yoga: Breathing for Anxiety

Written by Sadie CroshawHave you ever experienced the racing thoughts, tightening of your muscles, and quickening of your breath that highlights anxiety?  Or have you ever been paralyzed by your fears, afraid to pursue a passion, engage in social activities, or...

Stay at Home Parent, CEO, or so much more?

(2-3 minute read)When you think of a Stay at Home-Parent (SAHP), what do you think? The stereotype is that because a SAHP is home all day, they have plenty of time to get ready and have all the laundry done every single day. There is also never a crumb on the floor,...

Understanding and Decreasing Back to School Anxiety

School comes with a lot of new things. New teachers, new schedule, new classmates, new material to learn, and new buildings. Sometimes, when it’s a school they’ve never been to, it’s new everything. The newness of it all may lead your child to feel a fear of the...

How to Meet Emotional Needs

(5-7 minute read)Why Understanding Emotional Needs is ImportantYou may feel misunderstood or like your relationship is unfulfilling. Well, you are not alone. Many couples go through times like this. Some can get through it, and then those hurt feelings come right...