EMDR: The Basics

Written by Spencer Dutson, EMDR Trained Therapist, LAMFT

What is EMDR?


EMDR is short for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and is a therapy specifically designed to help individuals work through and heal from difficult life experiences. Basically, EMDR creates a safe environment where a trained therapist helps you to access memories and process through them using bilateral stimulation (to learn more about the “nerdy science stuff” of EMDR, check out this video). Though commonly used to aid those experiencing symptoms of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), it has been found to be effective in helping with grief, depression, anxiety, addiction, and many other conditions (1).

What Can EMDR Do For Me?

You may be asking yourself, “This all sounds great, but what does this mean for me?” Well, the great thing about EMDR is that you do not necessarily have to experience a trauma in your life for it to help you. I believe that it can help you immensely, and here is why:

Regaining control and freedom 

From working with many individuals who have experienced difficult life moments, I can tell you that the most common things I hear from them is: “I want to have control over my life again” and “I just want to be free from these memories”. If you are reading this, I assume that you (or someone you love) are wanting to regain personal control and freedom from difficult experiences. I know this is important to you and those you love, so keep reading to learn why you feel this and how EMDR can help. 

Lessons learned from our life experiences 

The vast majority of what you experience in life is easy to move on from or learn from. You are late to work and have to rush and nearly don’t make it on time, you get in an argument with your partner, or you have to stay up late to finish that big project or assignment. However, sometimes those same events, or others that may be more difficult to deal with, can overwhelm our nervous systems and send us in a tailspin of sensations, emotions, thoughts, and attempts to protect ourselves. 

When we are in this tailspin, the only thing that matters is getting out of it alive. Looking back on it, you may not think it was life or death, but in the moment, your body likely did. Because of this, our bodies, hearts, and minds are unable to process through the experience, and the associated sensations, emotions, and thoughts get stuck in some way. These become “lessons learned” because the next time you feel, think, or experience something similar, your body will push you into that same tailspin. This process may start out gradual but can eventually become overwhelming and difficult to move past.


No matter how difficult it may seem to you right now, there is hope! Research shows that EMDR is effective in producing rapid change and improvements in symptoms (2). EMDR therapy may only last as long as 6-12 sessions, and some people even see benefits in fewer (3). No matter how big or how small your difficult life experiences may seem to you right now, I trust that I can help you with EMDR!

Get Help Now!

Because you have made it this far in the article, I can see that healing from your past difficult experiences is important to you or to someone you love. The best advice I can give to you is to start your healing journey now, don’t wait! Click the button below to schedule your free 30-minute Discovery Visit with me to learn how I can help you or someone you know with EMDR.
