10 Questions To Spark Conversation On Your Next Date

We've all been there. Running out of topics. It. Is. The. Worst. Whether it's your first date or your 500th date with your partner. Running out of topics happens to us all, just like writer's block happens to the best writers. We, as people, tend not to always be able to craft questions that lead to deep conversations. Honestly, there is never a dull moment to pull these questions out. My favorite time to ask these questions is during a long car ride. It helps break the silence and is much more fun than asking how your partner's day was. Although I still recommend you ask them about their day.

How to make these questions work every time

It's all about the follow-up. It takes two to tango. If your partner isn't engaging in conversation, move on to another question or let them know they're disengaged. You should note that if you're both emotionally/physically exhausted. It is entirely OKAY to sit in silence and enjoy each other's company. 

But to make these questions work, it's important to continue to ask follow-up questions. Most questions are designed to be discussed for a minimum of 5 minutes. If your partner is positive, they can survive for 14 days in the wilderness. Make sure you ask them why they think that. Encourage their answer and try not to be critical of each other's answers. A simple "how would you do that?" and a follow-up "yeah, but what about this..." will get the conversation flowing well until the date is over. 

The Ten Questions to Spark Conversation on your Next Date

1. Do you think you could survive 14 days in the wilderness alone?

Asking your date if they think they could survive in the wilderness alone is a great way to get to know them better. This question will help you understand their level of self-sufficiency and how they handle difficult situations. It's also a fun way to imagine what life would be like if you were stranded together in the wild!

2. If you could only listen to one musical artist/band for the rest of your life, who would it be?

If you're looking for a fun question to ask on your next date, try asking about music. Specifically, ask your date what their favorite musical artist or band is. This can be a great way to get to know someone's taste in music and potentially find some new artists to check out. Plus, it's a fun topic to discuss and debate.

3. What is your guilty pleasure or comfort show to watch?

If you're looking for something to break the ice on your next date, try asking about your partner's favorite guilty pleasure show. This can be a great way to get to know them better and find out what they like to relax and unwind. Plus, it can be a fun topic of conversation if you're both fans of the same show!

4. What are your thoughts on art, and do you have a favorite artist?

When it comes to art, do you prefer classic pieces or modern pieces? Do you have a favorite artist that you enjoy looking at? These are just a couple of questions you could ask on your next date. Whether you're interested in learning more about your date's taste in art or simply want to start a conversation, asking about art is a great way to do it.

5. What embarrassing fashion trend have you tried?

The question of what embarrassing fashion trend you have tried is one that can really help you get to know your date better. It can be a fun way to bond over shared experiences, and it can also give you some insight into their sense of humor.

6. What food will make you send a meal back?

This can be a great way to learn about a food topping that your date might find gross. Learn about your partner's palate by asking this question!

7. What are the top 3 places you'd like to visit?

If you're looking for something to ask on your next date, try asking about places they'd like to visit. This can help you get to know them better and gauge their interests. Plus, it's always good to have travel plans in mind for future reference!

8. What is your 'Me' Time activity?

This can help you learn about what they like to do for fun and how they like to relax.

9. What was your childhood dream job?

If you're looking to get to know your date on a deeper level, consider asking them about their childhood dream job. This question can reveal a lot about their aspirations and what they value in a career. It can also be a fun way to get to know more about their sense of humor and imagination.

10. Do you want to be cremated or buried or something else?

When it comes to making decisions about what will happen to our bodies after we die, it's important to have a frank discussion with our loved ones. For many people, this is a difficult topic to broach, but it's important to have a plan in place. One of the questions you should ask your partner is whether they would prefer to be cremated or buried. They also may have a separate idea for this. It's a morbid topic, but one that does spark a long conversation. 

For any additional questions please feel free to contact us or call us at (435) 535-3169.