4 Common Mistakes Parents Make Sending Their Children Back To School With Anxiety

It's back-to-school season, and for many parents, it's a time of mixed emotions.

On one hand, you're proud to see your child continue on with their education and excited to see what they do next, but on the other hand, it's hard to ignore the anxiety that comes with the new school year.

For your child, this anxiety can be overwhelming, making it difficult for them to focus and enjoy their time at school.

As parents, you want nothing more than to help them through this difficult time, but sometimes your best intentions can do more harm than good, especially in your own relationship with your partner.

In this blog post, you will discover the common mistakes parents make when sending their children back to school with anxiety and provide tips on how to support your child in a healthy and effective way.

The Effect Of Anxious Children On Your Own Relationship

Raising children, especially those who suffer from anxiety, can significantly impact your romantic relationship as a couple.

The additional stress and worry over your child's well-being can consume much of the time and emotional energy that would otherwise be spent on your relationship.

This could lead to less quality time together and less patience with each other, as your focus often shifts towards your child's needs and anxieties.

Moreover, it might leave little room to discuss each other's concerns and anxieties, creating a potential strain on your relationship.

It's critical for parents to be aware of these challenges and make conscious efforts to maintain open lines of communication and set aside exclusive time for each other, especially if your child suffers from anxiety.

You may feel guilty for not prioritizing your children's needs, however, they will thank you in the long run for providing them with a happy home life that promotes healthy relationships. You can still help your children by leading by example and showing that good communication is the bedrock of any solid relationship.

If you are looking to find quick and easy tips to help with your child's anxiety, you're in luck. Our anxiety expert Chelsea Petersen has created a report with handy tips and tricks for those suffering from anxiety. Simply click the link below to get a copy delivered directly to your inbox:

Anxiety - A Guide To Understanding And Navigating The Struggle

Mistake #1: Avoidance

Often, parents try to protect their children from anxiety by avoiding situations that trigger it, such as school events or social activities.

However, this approach can actually worsen the anxiety. Avoidance reinforces the message that the situation is dangerous and can make it harder for your child to overcome their fear.

Instead, try to gently encourage your child to face their fears, but do so at a pace that feels manageable for them.

Mistake #2: Overprotectiveness

Similarly, parents may try to shield their children by doing everything for them, from packing their lunch to talking to their teachers about their anxiety.

While it's important to support your children, you also need to empower them to learn how to manage their anxiety on their own. Otherwise, they may become dependent on us or feel helpless and incapable.

Mistake #3: Dismissing Or Minimizing The Anxiety

When a child expresses their worry, it can be tempting to brush it off or tell them they're being silly.

However, this invalidation can make them feel unheard and alone in their struggle.

Instead, acknowledge their feelings and offer reassurance and support. It's also helpful to validate their coping strategies, such as deep breathing or journaling.

Mistake #4: Ignoring Your Own Anxiety

It's not just the children who feel anxious about the new school year. As parents, you often feel the weight of expectations and worry about your child's well-being.

However, if you don't acknowledge your own anxiety and take steps to manage it, you can unintentionally pass it on to your children.

It's essential for parents to practice self-care, seek support from others, and model healthy coping strategies for their children.

If the relationship with your partner is in turmoil that will only trickle down to your children, it is important that you first address the issues within your own relationship, so you can help your children learn how to manage their anxiety in a healthy and effective way.

Do You Need Expert Advice?

By recognizing these mistakes early, you can avoid them yourself and improve your child's mental health, proving that going back to school doesn't have to be such a scary experience.

However, if as a couple you find yourselves stuck in a vicious cycle of dealing with your child's anxiety, unable to break free and find more time for you and your partner. It may be time to seek professional guidance.

Our team of experts can help address the issues within your relationship and develop a personalized plan for building a happy and healthier relationship for you and your children in the future.

Currently, we are providing a Free Discovery Visit for couples who are struggling to rekindle their relationship and find time to focus on themselves. This is a wonderful way to get started as you will have the chance to meet our team, talk about any concerns you have, and determine if therapy is the right for you.

If you don't think we can assist, there is ZERO COST (and we mean it) and no pressure to go on.

We appreciate that one partner may be more inclined to try therapy than the other. We have found dealing with thousands of couples this is often the case, that is why we have implemented a Free Telephone Consultation so that before you step foot into a therapy session you can settle any concerns your partner or the two of you may have.

Our expert team will be more than happy to answer your questions and discuss any concerns you may have as a couple.

We have heard it all before. So much in fact that we have created a specific free report that contains all of the most frequently asked questions about therapy in one convenient place. So if you would rather not speak to someone, to begin with, this option is perfect for you!

Get Your FREE Frequently Asked Questions Report Straight To Your Inbox!

Other Expert Help For Couples And Children With Anxiety

Our Blog - Is Your Family Stress Reaching A Breaking Point Over The Summer? 

Our Blog - Back To School Anxiety?

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