How to Get the Most Out of Your FREE Discovery Visit

Written by Spencer Dutson, LAMFT, EFT and EMDR trained therapist

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At Cache Valley Counseling, we feel it is extremely important that you feel like we are a good fit for you. Not every clinic is the same, not every therapist is the same, and certainly, you are unique. It’s for that reason that we love giving you the opportunity to come and meet with us for FREE (yeah, you read that right, free!) to discover if we are a good fit for you. 

We know you want to get the most out of this visit, so that’s why we’ve provided you with three simple steps to make sure you get the most out of your FREE Discovery Visit! 

  1. Schedule it!

  2. Consider and clarify your needs.

  3. Write down questions for your therapist.

  4. (BONUS) Take hope, look forward to your healing!

STEP 1: Schedule It!

If you’ve had the thought or have had someone tell you that you or your relationship could benefit from counseling, that’s your first sign that our free Discovery Visit is a great fit for you. You can give us a call at (435) 535-3169 OR submit our Discovery Visit form. From there, a member of our front desk will help you find a therapist and time that best fits your needs. When talking with our front desk, be sure to let them know as much or as little about you as you feel like you can provide. We value your input on what you are looking for in a therapist and what you are currently going through to help you find that perfect fit even before you come in to visit with us. 

You may even find it helpful, either before or after scheduling, to check out our therapists’ pages here. Each page has a video introduction to the therapist and will fill you in on their background and expertise. See a therapist you already seem to click with? Let us know when you schedule and hopefully we can get you in with that therapist for your Discovery Visit!

STEP 2: Consider and Clarify Your Needs

While it is not a requirement to know exactly what you need out of therapy, it can help to think about this before coming in. Our lovely front desk staff are awesome at helping you think about this a little bit, so that can be a good start. 

Apart from that, sitting down for 5-10 minutes to consider what you want to change in your life right now can be enlightening. Try asking yourself this question:

“If I could go to sleep tonight, and in the middle of the night, things could miraculously change, what would change when I woke up?”

For example, many couple’s I work with may answer this question with, “We would communicate better and fight less.” That is a great start! 

From there, try asking yourself this additional question: 

“Why do those changes matter to me?”

To build off of my example above, I may hear something like, “Well, right now, I feel so distant from my partner. It matters to me because I want to feel connected to them again, to feel more love.”

Understanding your personal goals associated with therapy can help your therapist explain how they can help you get there. Don’t let this hang you up though. If you just aren’t sure, come in, and we’ll help explore!

STEP 3: Write Down Questions for Your Therapist

There is SO MUCH that therapy can involve. Many of us experience a little bit of anxiety and apprehension in attending therapy for the first time. We want to help you with these questions because above all, we want you to feel comfortable and confident in your decision to seek help and find healing. 

Again, sitting down for a few minutes to consider any apprehensions you feel about starting therapy can help in making sure these questions get addressed in your visit. I recommend focusing your questions on how therapy will work and how your therapist can help. Here are some common questions I’ve heard that may help you get started:

  • Do you feel like you can help me reach my needs?

  • Do you have experience working with my needs?

  • Can you relate to what I’ve brought up (i.e. will you be able to interact with me like a human and not just a therapist)? 

  • Do you feel able to help me, despite any differences we may have (such as race, ethnicity, social status, gender, sexual orientation, background, etc.)?

  • What kind of advanced training do you have and how can they help me? 

(BONUS) STEP 4: Take Hope, Look Forward to Your Healing
The last thing I want to leave you with is that above all, I hope you leave from attending your Discovery Visit feeling that there is hope for you. I have seen hundreds of individuals, couples, and families overcome their present challenges and find healing. It is my firm belief that you can too! But, of course, don’t take my word for it. Schedule your FREE Discovery Visit today so that you can discover this for yourself. I hope to see you soon.