Is Your Family Stress Reaching A Breaking Point Over The Summer?

Summer can be a stressful time for your family, with the kids out of school and spending more time at home, the relationship with your partner can become strained. The dynamic of your home may be shifting in ways you did not expect.

More disagreements, more tension, and more arguing all equal less romance.

Sound familiar?

This can take a toll on couples who find themselves parenting differently or butting heads over how to manage their children’s newfound freedom and responsibilities during summertime.

If you're looking for a few tips and tricks for reducing some of the stress in your relationship, you have come to the right place!

Summer Romance or Lack Of

When you first start dating, you picture the summer as a time for romantic walks or exciting adventures with your partner. However, once children are added to the equation, you may be finding the summer dynamic has completely changed.

While yes, you can still go for walks or adventures as a family, the emphasis switches from you as a couple to your children. Making sure they have packed everything they need or keeping one eye on them at all times to make sure they're safe and responsible.

Parents often struggle to find balance and figure out how to make the most of their relationship while still being attentive parents.

But with a little bit of patience and understanding, couples can get through this season with their relationship intact.

Schedule Couple Time

Set aside a specific day and time each week when you and your partner can have some quality time together, without the kids around.

This could be anything from dinner and a movie to a walk in nature or a game night.

Making this part of your routine will help remind you both that it’s important to prioritize your relationship.

We appreciate that it is difficult to find time in your busy schedules, especially with the kids at home, for your relationship.

However, if you're unwilling to carve out time for your relationship, then you might as well accept that things will never improve.

Work On Projects Together

Summertime is the perfect season for outdoor projects or home improvement tasks.

Pick a job you both agree on, like fixing up your backyard, and take turns on different parts of the project.

Not only will it help keep your relationship strong, but you’ll also have something to show for it at the end!

Working on a project together will not only strengthen your relationship but also improve your communication and time management skills.

Make A Date Night Bucket List

Use this time to explore all the fun activities your city has to offer, here in Logan, Utah we can take advantage of the fantastic scenery, go for hikes, and discover new places.

Create a shared document or a physical list of all the places you both want to visit and things you want to do together.

Then, pick one item off the list every week and make it happen.

It helps to pick activities that are new to you both. When experiencing new things, you both become more vulnerable and rely more on each other for support, strengthening your bond.

Take Turns Caring For The Kids

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by having to take care of your kids all summer long, come up with a schedule that divides the responsibilities.

Take turns taking your kids to the park, for example, or designate certain days when one parent is in charge of dinner and the other can take care of bath time.

By establishing a schedule for responsibilities it allows both partners the time to relax and unwind after a busy day.

Communication Is Key

After years of experience working with couples with relationship issues, you find a common threat between most of them and that thread is communication.

Without good communication, your relationship is doomed to fail.

If you're struggling to maintain a healthy relationship, it's common that your partner doesn't know how you're feeling or is misinterpreting your feelings. By opening up a dialogue, you allow yourself to be heard and to air any of the things that have been bothering you.

More often than not, those who are putting off this conversation because of fear of their partner's reaction are pleasantly surprised with how their partner reacts.

If you feel stuck in the same cycle with your partner and are struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel, it may be time to contact a professional.

Our team at Cache Valley Counseling specializes in improving couples’ relationships, supporting individuals, and building lasting families.

We know it can be an intimidating process trying therapy, especially as a couple, that's why we have created a free report, specifically designed to answer the most common questions regarding therapy.

Get Your FREE Frequently Asked Questions Report Straight To Your Inbox!

Are You Ready To Try Therapy?

Couples Therapy is by far the most effective option for rediscovering your love for each other, no matter how lost.

We are currently offering a Free Discovery Visit, this is a great way to get started as you will have the opportunity to meet our team, discuss any reservations you have, and get a feel for if we are the right place to help you.

There is NO COST (and we mean it) and no obligation to continue if you are not confident we can help.

So what are you waiting for?

Arrange Your Free Discovery Visit Today!

Still apprehensive about therapy or still trying to convince your partner? We also offer a Free Telephone Consult to determine how we can best help you and your partner while answering any of your questions all from home.

Other Helpful Resources

Our Blog - 5 Ways To Set Goals As A Couple

Our Blog - 5 Ways To Improve Relationship Satisfaction

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